Warm Almond Milk - Easy + Creamy Recipe - The Honour System (2024)

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BySharon Rhodes

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Learn how to make this creamy and warm, vegan-friendly beverage recipe featuring almond milk, maple, vanilla, and cinnamon. Enjoy a cozy warm almond milk before bed.

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Warm Almond Milk - Easy + Creamy Recipe - The Honour System (1)

I’m a big fan of drinks like this warming almond milk. Other popular warm drink recipes on The Honour System includes this Golden Milk Latte and this Homemade Spiced Coffee. Yum!

We also love this Eggnog Latte from Burrata and Bubbles. Perfect for the holiday season.

IN THIS POST: Everything you need to make Warm Almond Milk:

Warm Almond Milk - Easy + Creamy Recipe - The Honour System (2)


Warm Almond Milk - Easy + Creamy Recipe - The Honour System (3)

Instructions to make this recipe

First, start by gently warming the almond milk in a small saucepan over medium-low heat on the stovetop. You want to prevent overheating the milk as it could destroy the nutrients in the almond milk. You don’t want to boil it.

Warm Almond Milk - Easy + Creamy Recipe - The Honour System (4)

Next, add the flavors by stirring in the vanilla, maple syrup, and cinnamon.

Finally, remove the pan from the heat and pour the mixture into 2 mugs.

Enjoy the almond milk drinks warm. Preferably while cozying up in a warm blanket with a book.

Warm Almond Milk - Easy + Creamy Recipe - The Honour System (5)

FAQS, Tips + Substitutions

  • Can almond milk be heated? Yes! Heating almond milk on the stove over medium-low heat is fine, just don’t bring it to a boiling point as I mentioned above as it could minimize the nutrition… Some use a double boiler but it isn’t required.
  • Can you warm up almond milk in the microwave? You can. Pour the desired amount of almond milk into a microwave-safe container or mug and heat it at 15-second intervals and taste until you reach your desired temperature.
  • What are the benefits of drinking warm almond milk? Almond milk drink recipes are a rich source of magnesium, a mineral that’s essential for good sleep. Almond milk drinks also contain tryptophan, so the increased intake of this nutrient can have a significant impact on your sleepiness level. This recipe is also low in calories but high in calcium for your bones!
  • Substitute any other nut milk like cashew milk for another dairy-free alternative. Also, both Homemade Hemp Milk and oat milk are a substitute for dairy milk. If you aren’t worried about lactose intolerance you can totally substitute cow milk. All of these options will have similar consistency and texture.
  • Add a tablespoon of cocoa powder to the mixture for a lactose-free hot chocolate.
Warm Almond Milk - Easy + Creamy Recipe - The Honour System (6)

More Healthy Hot Beverages

  • Chaga Hot Chocolate
  • Vegan Bulletproof Coffee
  • Warm Golden Milk Latte
  • How to Make Spiced Coffee
  • Cashew Coffee Creamer – Easy Plant-Based Alternative

**This recipe was originally posted on January 14, 2015, and updated on September 15, 2019, and again on September 27, 2022, with updated recipe notes, writing, and photos.**

If you’ve tried our Warm Vanilla Almond Milk, please rate the recipe and let me know how it turned out by leaving me a comment below. I’m always interested in feedback!

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As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Warm Almond Milk - Easy + Creamy Recipe - The Honour System (7)

Warm Almond Milk – Easy + Creamy Recipe

Sharon Rhodes

Learn how to make this creamy and warm, vegan-friendly beverage recipe featuring almond milk, maple, vanilla, and cinnamon. Enjoy a cozy warm almond milk before bed.

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Prep Time 5 minutes mins

Cook Time 10 minutes mins

0 minutes mins

Total Time 15 minutes mins

Course Drinks

Cuisine American

Servings 2

Calories 101 kcal



  • Combine all ingredients together in a small saucepan and place over medium-low heat.

  • Stir for 3-5 minutes until heated through.

  • Pour into 2 mugs and enjoy warm.



  • Can you warm up almond milk in the microwave? You can. Pour the desired amount of almond milk into a microwave-safe container or mug and heat it at 15-second intervals and taste until you reach your desired temperature.
  • Substitute any other nut milk like cashew milk for another dairy-free alternative. Also, both Homemade Hemp Milk and oat milk are a substitute for dairy milk. If you aren’t worried about lactose intolerance you can totally substitute cow milk. All of these options will have similar consistency and texture.
  • Add a tablespoon of cocoa powder to the mixture for a lactose-free hot chocolate.


Calories: 101kcalCarbohydrates: 15gProtein: 1gFat: 3gSodium: 327mgPotassium: 51mgFiber: 1gSugar: 13gCalcium: 322mgIron: 1mg

Keyword bedtime beverage recipe, warm almond milk

Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Warm Almond Milk - Easy + Creamy Recipe - The Honour System (2024)


What makes almond milk extra creamy? ›

What Makes Almond Breeze Extra Creamy So Creamy? Almonds, of course! Added authentic Blue Diamond almond oil blended with the Almondmilk you already know and love creates the extra creamy texture reminiscent of whole dairy milk.

What happens when you warm almond milk? ›

Almond milk: Almond milk is a popular choice for smoothies, cereal, and other cold drinks, but it can be a bit trickier to use in cooking and baking. While it can be heated, it has a tendency to separate and curdle at high temperatures, so it's best to use it in recipes that don't require a lot of heat.

Does warm almond milk help you sleep? ›

The tryptophan in warm milk can help you fall asleep at night. Similarly, almond milk has the same effect. The National Sleep Foundation noted that almonds also contain tryptophan, so the increased intake of this nutrient can have a significant impact on your sleepiness level.

How do you thicken almond milk for heavy cream? ›

Can Almond Milk Replace Heavy Cream? No milk (except for coconut milk) can replace heavy cream without the addition of a thickener, ideally a fat of some kind. To make a heavy cream substitute with almond milk, we recommend adding soaked nuts or vegan butter, or plain silken tofu to get the right texture.

Which almond milk is the creamiest? ›

Trader Joe's Organic Unsweetened Almond Beverage

It's thick, creamy, and actually tastes like almonds. This would be great in an at-home latte, especially if you don't like your coffee sweet. All in all, this is the best almond milk if you don't want it sweetened—and you can store it in your panic room.

What is the best thickener for almond milk? ›

Almond milk is water that almonds (shell and skins removed) that are ground to a fine pulp then drained through a filter. The only way almond milk thick like heavy cream would be to use a thickener. If you don't want to use heat and cornstarch, rice flower or arrowroot you can use xanthan gum (zan than gum).

What is one major side effect of drinking almond milk? ›

Side Effects of Almond Milk:

Almonds might induce an allergic reaction in some individuals. As almond milk is made out of almonds, it might also cause allergies. Around 1-2% of the people in the world are known to have food allergies and nuts have the potential to cause severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis).

How long can warm almond milk sit out? ›

Does Almond Milk Go Bad If Left Out? Just like dairy milk, almond milk can go bad if left out. Again, the general rule of about two hours applies but the signs of spoilage and outcome can differ. Many times, almond milk is sold in rectangular, cardboard containers that are shelf-stable until opened.

Why does warm almond milk make you sleepy? ›

Almond Milk

According to studies, the presence of serotonin in the brain can help to initiate sleep. Healthy serotonin levels in our central nervous system often depend on the presence of tryptophan, which is naturally found in both cow's milk and almond milk.

Is almond milk an anti-inflammatory? ›

Nutritionists believe that vitamin E, along with bioactive plant compounds including polyphenols, are responsible for many of the health benefits of almonds. These compounds have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are good for heart health ( 12 ).

What should I drink before bed to lose weight? ›

  • Aug 10, 2023. Weight loss drinks to have before going to bed. ...
  • Losing weight while sleeping. Is it possible to lose weight while sleeping? ...
  • Try these drinks. Here are some drinks that will help you lose weight while sleeping. ...
  • Chamomile tea. ...
  • Grape juice. ...
  • Turmeric milk. ...
  • Cinnamon tea. ...
  • Soaked fenugreek water.
Aug 10, 2023

What food makes you fall asleep fast? ›

Kiwi, cherries, milk, fatty fish, nuts, and rice have been found to aid in relaxation and sleep. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and heavy meals before bedtime for healthier sleep patterns. Nutrition and sleep are connected, but a balanced diet will not benefit your sleep if you have poor bedtime habits.

Can I turn almond milk into heavy cream? ›

A nondairy milk (such as soy or almond) and a neutral oil (like vegetable or canola) can replicate heavy cream in certain recipes—namely, sauces and soups, but also some baked goods.

What is a substitute for heavy cream? ›

The 10 Best Substitutes for Heavy Cream
  • Milk and butter.
  • Soy milk and olive oil.
  • Milk and cornstarch.
  • Half-and-half.
  • Tofu and soy.
  • Yogurt and milk.
  • Evaporated milk.
  • Cottage cheese and milk.

What is a substitute for 1 cup of heavy cream? ›

If you have butter and milk (whole milk or even half-and-half work best), you can make your own heavy cream substitute. To make 1 cup of heavy cream, melt 1/4 cup of butter and slowly whisk in 3/4 cup milk. This works for most baking or cooking recipes that require heavy cream, but it will not whisk into stiff peaks.

Which nut makes the creamiest milk? ›

If you're looking for the ultimate creamy nut milk, cashew milk is where it's at! Cashew milk has a thicker consistency and more mild taste than almond milk, making it a great base to let other flavors shine.

Is there a way to make almond milk thicker? ›

Using Natural Thickeners. If you prefer natural methods, you can use ingredients found in your kitchen to thicken almond milk. One option is to make a homemade almond milk paste by blending soaked almonds with a small amount of water. This paste can then be added to your almond milk to thicken it.

What makes milk more creamy? ›

This is because the high fat content of the milk is rising to the top because it is less dense. Fat floats. This is then skimmed off and you have cream. In modern cream manufacture centrifuge is used to make the separating process faster.

What are the ingredients in Blue Diamond Extra creamy almond milk? ›


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