Migrations setup and overview | Orchid ORM (2024)

Migrations allow you to evolve your database schema over time. This migration toolkit has several benefits over writing raw SQL migrations or using other tools:

  • write migrations in TypeScript, that enables performing insert queries and having any logic
  • write only code to create or add something, and it will be automatically possible to undo the migration
  • it shares the same column types library as the ORM, which allows you to write a createTable migration and copy-paste columns to your table class
  • optionally, automatically updating table files of ORM after running a migration, instead of copy-pasting

how it works #

rake-db automatically creates a table schemaMigrations where it saves all the migrated files prefixes and names. It's allowed to have two migrations with the same name, but all the migrations must have different numeric prefixes.

All changes are wrapped into a single transaction. If you have 3 pending migrations, and the last one throws an error, none of them will be applied.

The transaction beings with setting a pg_advisory_xact_lock. If you're deploying a cluster of node.js applications, and each application starts with running migrations, the first of them will set a lock and apply the migrations, the rest will wait for a lock, and after the lock is released all migrations are already applied.

Locally, migrations are compiled from TS to JS on the fly before running. When developing to remote server, it may be preferable to precompile them first. If you're using rake-db as a standalone tool, try ORM initializer script to use configs from it, the script allows to choose between tsx, vite, and ts-node and generates configs accordingly, package.json has build:migrations and db:compiled scripts.

setup #

It is already set up if you ran npx orchid-orm@latest command from a quickstart.

Install this migration tool by running:


npm i -D rake-db


rake-db is named after a command in Ruby on Rails because took some inspiration from it.

Since the configuration is done in a regular TypeScript, it's possible to perform any logic and use any configuration tools to specify database connection options.

We suggest to keep database configuration options exported from a separate file, so it can be used both by migration tool and by db instance in a project.

Example structure (it's created automatically if you follow quickstart):

src/└── db/ ├── migrations/ - contains migrations files that can be migrated or rolled back. │ ├── recurrent/ - optional: sql files for triggers and functions │ │ └── my-function.sql - sql file containing CREATE OR REPLACE │ ├── timestamp_createPost.ts │ └── timestamp_createComment.ts ├── baseTable.ts - for defining column type overrides. ├── config.ts - database credentials are exported from here. ├── db.ts - main file for the ORM, connects all tables into one `db` object. ├── dbScript.ts - script run by `npm run db *command*`. └── seed.ts - for filling tables with data.

Export database options:

In this example, dotenv is used and configured to first get env variables from .env.local and then to get them from the .env file.

DATABASE_URL contains db credentials, also you can specify a db schema and ssl mode in it, see database setup.


// db/config.tsimport { config } from 'dotenv';import path from 'path';config({ path: path.resolve(process.cwd(), '.env.local') });config();const database = { databaseURL: process.env.DATABASE_URL,};if (!database.databaseURL) throw new Error('DATABASE_URL is missing in .env');export const config = { database,};

Configure a db script:


// db/dbScript.tsimport { rakeDb } from 'rake-db';import { appCodeUpdater } from 'orchid-orm/codegen';import { config } from './config';import { BaseTable } from './baseTable';export const change = rakeDb(config.database, { // relative path to the current file: migrationsPath: './migrations', // it also can be an absolute path: // migrationsPath: path.resolve(__dirname, 'migrations'), // This is needed only if you use a bundler such as Vite: migrations: import.meta.glob('./migrations/*.ts'), // 'serial' (0001, 0002, and so on) is by default, also can be 'timestamp'. // Read more about serial vs timestamp below. migrationId: 'serial', // column type overrides and snakeCase option will be taken from the BaseTable: baseTable: BaseTable, // optionally, for automatic code updating after running migrations: // baseTable is required when setting appCodeUpdater appCodeUpdater: appCodeUpdater({ // paths are relative to the current file tablePath: (tableName) => `./tables/${tableName}.table.ts`, ormPath: './db.ts', }), // true by default, whether to use code updater by default useCodeUpdater: false, // custom commands can be defined as follows: commands: { // dbOptions is an array of database configs // config is the config of `rakeDb` (that contains migrationPath, appCodeUpdater, etc) // args of type string[] is an array of command line arguments startring after the command name async seed(dbOptions, config, args) { const { seed } = await import('./seed'); await seed(); }, },});

Add the db script to your package.json:

And now it's possible to use it from a command line:


npm run db new createSomeTablepnpm db new createSomeTableyarn db new createSomeTable

serial vs timestamp #

Migration files can be prefixed with serial numbers (0001, 0002, and so on), or with timestamps. Serial is the default, for timestamp prefixes set migrationId: 'timetamp' in the config.

The key difference is in handling possible conflicts.

Consider a scenario when you have created a migration in your local branch, then your colleague creates a migration and commits their work to the repository. You pull the changes, they work on your machine, you push your work and migrations are executed in a different order than they were ran for you, because on a remote server your colleague's migration ran first, and in your local it ran last.

Using serial numbers are making the case described above impossible, at the cost of having to solve such conflicts.

You can resolve file conflicts automatically with the rebase command, read more about rebase here.

Using timestamps frees from file conflicts, at the cost of potential problems caused by wrong migration execution order.

If you'd like to rename existing migrations from timestamps to serial numbers, there is a change-ids.

awaiting rakeDb #

rakeDb function starts executing immediately after it's called, node.js will keep the program alive until it has at least one pending promise, and it closes after rakeDb is finished.

But some other environments may not wait for rakeDb to finish automatically, then you'll need to await for it manually in such a way:


export const change = rakeDb(dbConfig, rakeDbConfig);// wait for `rakeDb` to finish:await change.promise;

The promise resolves into a result object:


interface RakeDbResult { // database connection options options: AdapterOptions[]; // rake-db config config: AnyRakeDbConfig; // command and arguments passed to `rakeDb.lazy` or taken from process.argv args: string[];}

Aliases of commands are resolved, so if this was run with pnpm db migrate, the command will be up. See full list of aliases in rakeDbAliases exported from the rake-db package.

rakeDb lazy #

rakeDb is designed to be launched with CLI, it will execute one command, and finish.

But in some cases you might want to run it programmatically, and you can do it with rakeDb.lazy:


export const { change, run } = rakeDb.lazy(dbConfig, rakeDbConfig);// run a command programmatically:await run(['migrate']);// optionally, you can provide a partial `rakeDbConfig` to override some values,// here we override the logger.const result = await run(['migrate'], { log: true, logger: { log(message: string): void { console.log(message); }, warn(message: string): void { console.warn(message); }, error(message: string): void { console.error(message); }, },});// the same result type as in "awaiting rakeDb" section above.result.options;result.config;result.args;

rakeDb.lazy is accepting the same options as rakeDb, and returns two functions.

change is to be used in migrations to wrap database changes with it.

run is a function to execute a command, it accepts the same CLI args as rakeDb (see commands section), optionally takes config overrides, returns a Promise<void>.

ReferenceError: require is not defined #

If you encounter the error ReferenceError: require is not defined, it means you're running on ESM and your node.js runner could not import ts migration.

This may happen with ts-node/esm, vite.

To resolve it, simply add the import function to the rakeDb config:


export const change = rakeDb(config.database, { import: (path) => import(path),});

rakeDb #

rakeDb function in the setup script takes connection options, migration config, and command line arguments:


const rakeDb = async ( options: MaybeArray<AdapterOptions>, partialConfig?: Partial<MigrationConfig>, args: string[] = process.argv.slice(2),) => { // ...};

The first is of the same type AdapterOptions which is used when configuring the query builder and the ORM. Provide an array of such options to migrate two and more databases at the same time, which helps maintain a test database.

The second optional argument of type MigrationConfig, all properties are optional, here is the type:


type MigrationConfig = { // columnTypes and snakeCase can be applied form ORM's BaseTable baseTable?: BaseTable; // or it can be set manually: columnTypes?: (t) => { // the same columnTypes config as in BaseTable definition }; // set to true to have all columns named in camelCase in the app, but in snake_case in the db // by default, camelCase is expected in both app and db snakeCase?: boolean; // basePath and dbScript are determined automatically // basePath is a dir name of the file which calls `rakeDb`, and dbScript is a name of this file basePath?: string; dbScript?: string; // path to migrations directory migrationsPath?: string; // prefix migration files with a serial number (default) or with a timestamp migrationId?: 'serial' | 'timestamp'; // path to recurrent migrations directory // migrationsPath + '/recurrent' is the default recurrentPath?: string; // table in your database to store migrated versions migrationsTable?: string; // function to import typescript migration file import?(path: string): void; // specify behavior for what to do when no primary key was defined on a table noPrimaryKey?: 'error' | 'warn' | 'ignore'; // log options, see "log option" in the query builder document log?: boolean | Partial<QueryLogObject>; // standard console by default logger?: { log(message: string): void; error(message: string): void; }; appCodeUpdater?(params: { // abstract syntax tree of changes ast: RakeDbAst; // connection options options: AdapterOptions; // to resolve relative paths basePath: string; // the same object is passed between various appCodeUpdater calls cache: object; // the logger object from the above config // if log: false in the above config, logger is undefined logger?: { log(message: string): void; error(message: string): void; }; }): Promise<void>; useCodeUpdater?: boolean; // throw if a migration doesn't have a default export forceDefaultExports?: boolean; beforeMigrate?(db: Db): Promise<void>; afterMigrate?(db: Db): Promise<void>; beforeRollback?(db: Db): Promise<void>; afterRollback?(db: Db): Promise<void>;};

To configure logging, see log option in the query builder document.

Note that migrationsPath can accept an absolute path, or a relative path to the current file.

Defaults are:

  • basePath is the dir name of the file you're calling rakeDb from
  • migrationPath is src/db/migrations
  • recurrentPath is src/db/migrations/recurrent (directory doesn't have to exist if you don't need it)
  • migrationsTable is schemaMigrations
  • snakeCase is false, so camelCase is expected in both the app and the database
  • import will use a standard import function
  • noPrimaryKey is error, it'll bite if you accidentally forgot to add a primary key to a new table
  • log is on
  • logger is a standard console
  • useCodeUpdater is true, but it won't run anything if you don't specify appCodeUpdater config

The third optional argument of rakeDb is an array of strings from the command line, by default it will use process.argv to get the arguments, but you can override it by passing arguments manually.

snakeCase #

By default, this option is false and camelCase is expected in a database, change it to true if all or most of the columns in your database are in snake_case.

When snakeCase is true, all column names in migrations will be translated into snake_case automatically.

It changes behavior of db pull command at handling column names and timestamps, see db pull for details.

appCodeUpdater #

appCodeUpdater is a module that will add new and update existing project files when running migrations.

To prevent running when not needed, append --code false flag to cli command:


npm run db migrate --code false

If you don't want to run it on every migration, set useCodeUpdater to false and run migration with --code flag to run code updater when needed:


npm run db migrate --code

What appCodeUpdater does:

  • creates base table file if it doesn't exist
  • creates main db file if it doesn't exist
  • creates a new table file when creating a table
  • adds table entry to db file when creating a table
  • adds new columns, indexes, and foreign keys to the table file when they are added in a migration
  • changes columns, indexes, and foreign keys in the table file when they are changed in a migration
  • changes table and schema property in the table file when renaming a table
  • removes table entry from db file when dropping a table

appCodeUpdater does not delete or rename existing files, because it is better to be done manually. A modern editor will update all file usage in imports across the project when renaming a file or an exported class.

seeds #

To make database seeds, create own script with the needed logic.

In the example, new db instance is constructed with createDb, but you can import db object from where it's defined in your app.


// db/seed.tsimport { db } from './db';export const seed = async () => { await db.table.createMany([{ name: 'record 1' }, { name: 'record 2' }]); await db.close();};

Add a custom command to rake-db config:


// db/dbScript// ...snip importsexport const change = rakeDb(config.database, { // ...other options commands: { async seed(options) { const { seed } = await import('./seed'); await seed(); }, },});

Run the seeds with the command:


npm run db seed# orpnpm db seed

recurrent migrations #

Recurrent migrations are useful when you want to update SQL functions, triggers, and other database items regularly.

This feature is optional, it's not required to have a recurrent directory.

For example, store add SQL function into src/db/migrations/recurrent/add.sql:



When you run the command recurrent (aliased as rec), rake-db will recursively scan the recurrent directory and execute all sql files in parallel.

As they are executed in parallel, if one functions depends on the other better place it in a single sql file.

As it is scanned recursively, you can structure recurrent directory as it feels better, for example:

src/└── db/ └── migrations/ └── recurrent/ ├── functions/ │ └── my-function.sql └── triggers/ └── my-trigger.sql

before and after callbacks #

To run arbitrary code before or after migrate or rollback commands, define functions in rakeDb config object.

These callbacks are triggered once per database per command. If 5 migrations were applied, the callback will be called either before all 5, or after.

All callbacks except afterChangeCommit are executed inside a transaction together with migrations. If callback throws an error, the transaction is rolled back and all migration changes aren't saved.

  • beforeMigrate, afterMigrate: is called before or after migrating up
  • beforeRollback, afterRollback: is called before migrating down
  • beforeChange, afterChange: is called before or after migrate or rollback
  • afterChangeCommit: happens after the migrations transaction is committed and database locks are released.

Non-"Change" callbacks receive a single query builder instance argument, this is not ORM instance, and yet it can be used for building and executing queries.

Example: each time when npm run db migrate is run, after all migrations were successfully applied, this will create new records of a specific table if it is empty.


export const change = rakeDb(options, { async afterMigrate({ db, migrations }) { // skip if no migrations were executed if (!migrations.length) return; const haveRecords = await db('table').exists(); if (!haveRecords) { await db('table').createMany([ { name: 'one' }, { name: 'two' }, { name: 'three' }, ]); } },});

beforeChange and afterChange receive two additional arguments: boolean up to check whether it's migrate or rollback, and boolean redo to check whether it's migrating down then up for redo command.

Example for how to run your code after migrating or rolling back, but not in the middle of redo:


export const change = rakeDb(options, { afterChange({ db, up, redo, migrations }) { if (!up && redo) return; console.log('migrate, rollback, or redo command is finished', { migrations, // list of migrations that were executed }); },});

For dumping database you should use afterChangeCommit because pg_dump won't work until the transaction is committed (because of database locks). Example:


import { execSync } from 'node:child_process';export const change = rakeDb( { databaseURL: 'postgres://...' }, { afterChangeCommit({ options, migrations }) { // skip dumping if there were no pending migrations if (!migrations.length) return; // `as string` is safe because you can see that databaseURL was set above dump(options[0].databaseURL as string); }, },);function dump(databaseURL: string) { execSync(`pg_dump --schema-only ${databaseURL} > structure.sql`); console.log('Db structure was dumped to structure.sql');}
Migrations setup and overview | Orchid ORM (2024)
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