How To Grow Trellis Cucumber Plants | (2024)



How To Grow Trellis Cucumber Plants | (1)

Chris Lee, MA - Gardening Writer

Chris is a gardening writer and nature enthusiast. He graduated from Oxford Brookes University in 2022 with an MA in Psychology. Chris works with the Leeds Green Action Society, helping their food cooperative by growing various fruit and vegetables on their two allotments in Hyde Park, Leeds.

/ Updated May 26th, 2023

How To Grow Trellis Cucumber Plants | (2)

Colin Skelly, MHort (RHS), MCIHort - Horticulturist

Colin is a Horticulturist and Horticultural Consultant with experience in a range of practical and managerial roles across heritage, commercial and public horticulture. He holds the Royal Horticultural Society’s Master of Horticulture award and has a particular interest in horticultural ecology and naturalistic planting for habitat and climate resilience.

/ Meets Our Editorial Guidelines, HANNAH REID

How To Grow Trellis Cucumber Plants | (3)

Hannah Reid, Organic Gardener

Hannah Reid, known as @gingergrows1 on her socials, is an Organic Gardener and Freelance Garden Writer. She currently runs a kitchen garden for Träkol Restaurant in the North of England and tends to her own allotment on the side.

Unless you’re a cat, you’ve probably got a fairly neutral opinion of cucumbers.

The ones you buy at a grocery store are long and green, have a gentle flavour that adds a crunchy texture to salads, sandwiches, and various other dishes.

Grow your own, though, and you’ll find them a lot more flavourful, as Master Horticulturist Colin Skelly shares:

“Along with tomatoes and strawberries, home-grown cucumbers are far tastier than shop-bought alternatives.

“This is because the fruit will be super-fresh but also because the home gardener can choose cultivars for flavour rather than the ability to travel and keep well.

“This is particularly true for outdoor cucumbers which you can’t typically buy from a supermarket.”

How To Grow Trellis Cucumber Plants | (4)

You’ll also notice the skin grows much bumpier, bringing an interesting texture and earthiness to your plate.

In this article we’ll introduce vining cucumbers – one of the two types of cucumber plant you can grow.

We’ll also introduce trellises, and teach you how to build one for your vining cucumber to wind itself up and around.


Botanical NameCucumis sativus
Common Name(s)Cucumber
Plant TypeFruit
Native AreaCultivated – origins in India
Hardiness RatingH1C
FlowersYellow flowers from which fruit form
When To SowMarch, April, May, June
Harvesting MonthsJuly, August, September, October

Full Sun



Pinch out tips when desired height achieved

Varies by variety

Bloom Time


Most fertile soils

Moist but well drained


Quite simply, a cucumber trellis is a trellis built specifically for cucumbers to grow on.

While many vegetables can be grown on trellises, a cucumber trellis is designed to offer the dimensions most conducive to a healthy harvest of Cucumis sativus.

How To Grow Trellis Cucumber Plants | (5)

By providing a structure for a vining cucumber plant to grow upon, a trellis encourages healthy and numerous growth.

While a vining cucumber will grow on the ground, many gardeners are surprised by just how much growing they’ll do.

You’ll quite quickly be overrun with two metres or more of energetic vines, and they’ll have no qualms about interfering with other plants.

A trellis is a great way to direct this growth upward rather than outward, giving your cucumbers the opportunity to thrive without disrupting their neighbours.

Why Grow Them?

As with most fruits and veggies, the main reason to grow them is because they’re delicious!

Home-grown produce always manages to be that little bit more flavourful than their supermarket brethren.

How To Grow Trellis Cucumber Plants | (6)

Perhaps it’s the organic growing methods, perhaps it’s just the psychological result of picking them with your own hands, but whatever it is, we’re confident these cucumbers will be noticeably better than anything store-bought.

Even better, why not pickle a few cucumbers and give gifts of homemade pickles next Christmas?

How To Grow Trellis Cucumbers

With trellis-grown cucumbers you have two jobs: preparing your trellis, and planting out your cucumbers.

We’ll start with the trellis –

Building A Trellis

When building your own trellis, you’ve got a lot of options.

You can go for a simple metal mesh lashed to wooden or bamboo support canes, for instance.

This is cheap, quick, and easy: all you need to do is plant the two supports, lean the mesh against them, and bind the two together with twine, wire, cable ties, or similar.

How To Grow Trellis Cucumber Plants | (7)

If you’re feeling a little bit more DIY, you can build a wooden frame and run lengths of string between hooks on the upper and lower beams for the cucumbers to grow on.

This method doesn’t need much more than some wood, a saw, a few nails, and a hammer.

All you’ll be doing is cutting the wood to size, arranging it in a square shape, nailing it together, and erecting it.

You can either use multiple frames to support each other, or leave the side pieces of wood longer than the others and bury the additional length below the ground for support.

There are many other options, depending on how creative you’re feeling and which materials you’ve got to hand.

How To Grow Trellis Cucumber Plants | (8)

You could lean two pieces of mesh against each other to create an A-frame and remove the need for support poles, for instance.

Or you could even repurpose an old washing airer, drying rack, or similar piece of furniture to create a fabulous upcycled trellis.

If you’re cultivating a rustic garden vibe, this last option definitely wins top marks.

Where To Grow

Once you’ve built a trellis, you need to find the right spot for it.

Cucumbers love the sun, so try to find a sheltered spot that catches the full heat and light of the sunshine.


For the healthiest growth, work a couple of buckets of compost (or equivalent organic matter) through the soil.

Your cucumbers will appreciate this nutrient boost, and should grow all the more enthusiastically for it.

Starting Seeds

While you can grow cucumbers indoors, this isn’t really compatible with trellis growing, so we’ve omitted that from this guide.

When growing cucumbers outdoors, you’ll want to plant them directly into the ground in May or June – each seed should be sown to a depth of about 2cm.

How To Grow Trellis Cucumber Plants | (9)

You can also start them off indoors and move outside after the last frost, which gives you the option of planting out established seedlings rather than new seeds.

If you decide to do this, harden your baby cucumbers off for a few days before planting out properly, as they may struggle to survive out in the elements otherwise.

It’s really important that you set up your trellises before planting out your cucumbers, as you are prone to squash the seeds and any fledgling sprouts if you do it the other way round.

Guiding Vines

While vining cucumbers grow very enthusiastically, they may need some assistance in attaching themselves to the trellises in the early stages.

You can give them a hand by getting any stray vines and winding them gently around the trellis, which will hopefully encourage them to take hold.

How To Grow Trellis Cucumber Plants | (10)

Check back often on any vines that are struggling to attach, keep giving them a hand, and eventually they’ll bind themselves tightly around the support.

Try to avoid bending the vines, where possible – just aim to guide them gently.


Cucumbers are thirsty specimens, as you may have guessed by their high internal water levels!

Water a couple of times a week in dry conditions, and keep a careful eye on soil moisture levels if it has been raining.

You want to make sure that your cucumbers don’t go too long without a drink, as this can impact the health of your plant and the taste of the final product.

“Cucumber plants need regular watering,” says Hannah Reid, a Gardener and Blogger.

“Try to water the plant roots well every few days rather than a light water every day.

“Avoiding watering the foliage of the plants too. Once they start to flower and fruit, I like to feed them weekly too.”


This is what it’s all about.

When your cucumbers look healthy and are between 14 and 20cm long, you can cut them away from the vine with scissors, secateurs, or a knife.

How To Grow Trellis Cucumber Plants | (11)

Try to use a sharp blade where possible rather than picking with your hands, as this will do less damage to the vines.

Common Problems

Cucumbers are prone to certain pests, unfortunately.

On the upside, however, is that you can more easily see and identify these pests when they’re that much higher above ground level.

Keep a careful eye on your cucumber plants, and if you see any of the following issues, take action immediately –

Cucumber Mosaic Virus

This vicious virus gives your cucumber leaves a mottled appearance and, more concerningly, impacts (or even removes) their ability to put forth flowers or fruit.

How To Grow Trellis Cucumber Plants | (12)

If you notice this, immediately destroy any infected plants to prevent the spread.

How To Grow Trellis Cucumber Plants | (13)

Wash your hands thoroughly before handling any other plants in your garden, cucumber or otherwise.


These sap-sucking little flies like to feast on the tasty sap in your cucumber’s leaves, and then leave their excrement in exchange.

The excrement damages your plant and creates conditions that invite mildew, raising the likelihood of further damage.

If you see small, white flies or larvae on your leaves, brush them off at first.

If they return, buy a biological control product to remove them more permanently.


If you find white blemishes on your cucumbers, it’s likely you’ve got mildew.

This powder is a sign of an infection that damages the plant and harms further growth.

How To Grow Trellis Cucumber Plants | (14)

To avoid, try to ensure your cucumber plants are always well-watered, but that the foliage of the plant remains dry by watering at the base.

Aside from a few potential pests, trellis cucumbers are great fun to grow.

From building the trellis, to coaxing the vines to take hold, to watching as your suspended vines burst into bloom, this plant is a real treat to behold.

All that’s left now is to keep a watchful eye on them as they grow, harvest them when they’re ready, and enjoy their dainty deliciousness.

How To Grow Trellis Cucumber Plants | (2024)


How To Grow Trellis Cucumber Plants | ›

Cucumber plants need regular watering,” says Hannah Reid, a Gardener and Blogger. “Try to water the plant roots well every few days rather than a light water every day. “Avoiding watering the foliage of the plants too. Once they start to flower and fruit, I like to feed them weekly too.”

How tall should a cucumber trellis be? ›

Five to six feet is the optimal height for a cucumber trellis because it allows the plant to grow to its full potential while making harvesting easier for the gardener. There is no need for a trellis to be any taller. Otherwise, it would make harvesting difficult, especially if you are shorter in stature.

How do you grow vining cucumbers? ›

Space cucumbers 36 to 60 inches apart (12 inches apart for trellised plants) in an area with abundant sun and fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.8. Improve native soil by mixing in several inches of aged compost or other rich organic matter. Cucumbers will grow quickly with little care.

Should cucumber trellis be vertical or angled? ›

Growing your cucumbers vertically can save you several square feet of garden space, which you could use for growing other vegetables. Here is a very simple and inexpensive trellis that you could build in just a couple hours.

What is the best angle for a cucumber trellis? ›

Simply stick the trellis in the dirt at the end of the garden at a 45-degree angle. 2. Training the vines to crawl up the trellis takes a bit of patience and a little engineering. Once the vine runners are long enough to reach the trellis, loosely wrap each runner with plastic garden tape.

Is it better to grow cucumbers on a trellis or on the ground? ›

Growing vine cucumbers vertically on a trellis or netting helps improve airflow and discourage common fungal diseases such as powdery mildew, which can cause the loss of cucumber leaves meant to shade crisp cucumbers from intense sun. Cucumbers also come in varieties suited to specific culinary uses.

How far apart to plant cucumbers on a trellis? ›

If your plan is to plant cucumber transplants at the base of your trellis, space them 6 to 8 inches apart.

How much space do vining cucumbers need? ›

For vining types that will spread out in the garden, sow seeds two inches apart. Allow about two or three feet of space on either side of the row for the vines to spread. A "hill" of three or four seeds sown close together is another way to plant cucumbers in the garden. Allow five to six feet between hills.

Can you use coffee grounds around cucumber plants? ›

What Vegetables Like Coffee Grounds? Coffee grounds as a fertilizer can be used when growing vegetable crops such as potatoes, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, radishes, and beans. Root crops need magnesium and potassium, while nitrogen is indispensable for green crops.

Are coffee grounds good for tomatoes and cucumbers? ›

Coffee grounds contain around 2% nitrogen as well as varying amounts of phosphorus and potassium which are all very important for the growth of tomato plants. By mixing some coffee grounds into the soil below your tomato plants you're introducing these nutrients that the plants need to thrive.

Can I plant tomatoes and cucumbers next to each other? ›

According to garden experts, cucumbers and tomatoes share similar growing habits and grow well when planted in proximity. Since both are vining plants, space them at least 18 inches apart and install stakes to train them vertically as they grow.

What is the best support for cucumbers? ›

-A cucumber growing up a trellis adds beauty to your garden. -A trellis provides a solid structure and space for cucumber plants to grow on. Cucumbers produce better-quality fruit with less disease or damage when supported on a sturdy trellis. -A trellis makes the harvesting process a lot easier.

Is it better to grow cucumbers vertically or horizontally? ›

Cucumbers are natural climbers and, if unsupported, will sprawl across the ground. However, if grown at ground level, the plant is more vulnerable to rot, diseases and pests. Growing cucumbers vertically reduces the likelihood of your plant succumbing to rot and disease, since it improves the air circulation.

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