Form Elements | Orchid - Laravel Admin Panel (2024)

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  • Introduction to Input
  • Designing Input Interfaces
  • Required Fields
  • Hiding Input Fields
  • Types of Input
  • Masking Input Values
  • TextArea
  • CheckBox
  • Select
  • Relation
  • DateTime
  • DateRange
  • TimeZone
  • HTML Quill Editor
  • Markdown Editor
  • Matrix
  • Code editor
  • Picture
  • Cropper
  • Width and height
  • File Size Limit
  • Value
  • Upload
  • Group
  • Button/Link
  • Dropdown
  • NumberRange
  • Custom Fields Creation

Fields are used to generate the output of the fill and edit form template. Form elements are the building blocks of a user interface, and they allow you to create different parts of the interface and provide interaction with the user. In this section, we will cover of the most common form elements and their usage.

Feel free to add your fields, for example, to use the convenient editor for you or any components.

Introduction to Input

Input is one of the most versatile form elements. It allows you to create text fields, as well as other types of input such as number, email, password, etc. Here is an example of creating a simple text input field:

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use Orchid\Screen\Fields\Input;Input::make('name');

Designing Input Interfaces

Empty and expressionless input fields can confuse the user, but you can help by specifying a title. The title should be a short and descriptive label that clearly communicates the purpose of the field. Here is an example of how to add a title to an input field:

Input::make('name') ->title('First name');

If you need to provide additional context or instructions for the field, you can use the help method to add a hint or brief description. The hint should be a short and concise message that helps the user understand the purpose or format of the field. Here is an example of how to add a hint to an input field:

Input::make('name') ->help('What is your name?');

If the field requires a more detailed explanation or guidance, you can use the popover method to add a tooltip that will be displayed as a pop-up when the user hovers over the field. The tooltip should provide additional information or instructions that help the user complete the field correctly. Here is an example of how to add a tooltip to an input field:

Input::make('name') ->popover('Tooltip - hint that user opens himself.');

By default, form elements are displayed in a horizontal layout, with the label and input field side by side. However, you can change the layout to a vertical arrangement by using the vertical() method:


If you prefer the horizontal layout, you can use the horizontal() method to restore it:


Required Fields

Sometimes you may need to specify that a field is required, meaning that the user must enter a value in the field before they can submit the form. To mark a field as required, you can use the required() method:

Input::make('name') ->type('text') ->required();

You can also use the required() method on other types of form elements, such as select, radio buttons, and checkboxes.

Hiding Input Fields

There may be times when you want to hide a form element from the user interface, either temporarily or permanently. To hide a form element, you can use the canSee() method and pass a value of false:


If you want to show a previously hidden form element, you can use the canSee() method and pass a value of true:


Note that many methods, such as canSee, required, title, help, vertical, horizontal and many others, are available in almost every field of the system.

Types of Input

One of the most universal fields is the input field, which allows you to specify a variety of types such as text, file, hidden, color, email, number, range, and url. The type attribute determines the kind of input field you want to create and the kind of data it will accept. Here are some examples of using the type method:


A field for entering the name of the file that is sent to the server.


Hidden field.


Widget for choosing a color.


For email addresses.


Entering numbers.


Slider to select numbers in the specified range.


To specify web addresses.


Please note. Please note that support for new HTML5attributes such as color and range is dependent on the browser being used. You can learn more about attribute types at Mozilla’s website.

Masking Input Values

A mask is a useful tool for enforcing a specific format for user input. For example, you might want to use a mask to ensure that phone numbers are entered in a standard format, or that currency values are entered with the correct number of decimal places.

To use a mask with an input field, you can use the mask() method and pass a string that defines the format of the input. The string should contain placeholders for the allowed characters and any fixed characters that should be included. Here is an example of using a mask to enforce a standard phone number format:

Input::make('phone') ->mask('(999) 999-9999') ->title('Phone number');

You can also pass an array of options to the mask() method to customize the behavior of the mask. For example, you can use the numericInput option to specify that only numeric characters should be accepted:

Input::make('price') ->title('Price') ->mask([ 'mask' => '999 999 999.99', 'numericInput' => true ]);

You can also use the alias option to use a predefined mask, such as currency, which automatically formats the input as a currency value:

Input::make('price') ->title('Price') ->mask([ 'alias' => 'currency', 'prefix' => ' ', 'groupSeparator' => ' ', 'digitsOptional' => true, ]);

You can view all of the available options for the Inputmask library here.


The textarea field is a form element that allows the user to enter multiple lines of text. It is similar to the input field, but it is designed to accept longer pieces of text and to preserve line breaks.

To create a textarea field, you can use the TextArea class:

use Orchid\Screen\Fields\TextArea;TextArea::make('description');

By default, the textarea field will expand to fit the amount of text that is entered. However, you can use the rows method to specify a minimum number of rows:

TextArea::make('description') ->rows(5);

This can be useful for providing a clear visual indication of the amount of text that is expected.

As with other form elements, you can use methods such as title(), help(), and popover() to add additional context and guidance for the user. You can also use the required() method to mark the textarea field as required and the canSee() method to show or hide the field.


A checkbox is a graphical user interface element that allows the user to control a parameter with two states – checked and unchecked. Checkboxes are often used to represent binary choices, such as whether a particular feature is enabled or disabled.

To create a checkbox field, you can use the CheckBox class:

use Orchid\Screen\Fields\CheckBox;CheckBox::make('free') ->value(1) ->title('Free') ->placeholder('Event for free') ->help('Event for free');

The value attribute determines the value that will be sent to the server when the checkbox is checked. The title attribute provides a label for the checkbox, and the placeholder attribute can be used to provide a default value or a short description. The help attribute can be used to provide additional context or instructions for the user.

By default, browsers do not send the value of an unchecked checkbox when the form is submitted. This can make it difficult to use checkboxes with simple Boolean values. To solve this problem, you can use the sendTrueOrFalse() method, which will send the value false to the server when the checkbox is unchecked:

CheckBox::make('enabled') ->sendTrueOrFalse();

This can be useful for ensuring that the server receives a clear indication of the state of the checkbox.


The select field is a form element that allows the user to choose an option from a dropdown list. It is useful for presenting a limited set of options and allowing the user to make a selection.

To create a select field, you can use the Select class:

use Orchid\Screen\Fields\Select;Select::make('select') ->options([ 'index' => 'Index', 'noindex' => 'No index', ]) ->title('Select tags') ->help('Allow search bots to index');

The options attribute is an array that defines the options that will be presented in the dropdown list. The keys of the array are the values that will be sent to the server, and the values are the labels that will be displayed to the user.

In addition to using an array of options, you can also use a data source to populate the options of a select field. For example, you can use a model to retrieve the options:

Select::make('user') ->fromModel(User::class, 'email');

This will retrieve all records from the User model and use the email field as the label for each option. You can also use a custom query to retrieve the options:

Select::make('user') ->fromQuery(User::where('balance', '!=', '0'), 'email');

This will retrieve all records from the User model where the balance field is not equal to 0, and use the email field as the label for each option.

You can also specify a different field to use as the key for each option using the fromModel() and fromQuery() methods:

Select::make('user') ->fromModel(User::class, 'email', 'uuid');

This will use the uuid field as the key for each option, rather than the default primary key.

If you want to provide an option that represents an unselected state, you can use the empty() method:

// For arraySelect::make('user') ->options([ 1 => 'Option 1', 2 => 'Option 2', ]) ->empty('No select');// For modelSelect::make('user') ->fromModel(User::class, 'name') ->empty('No select');

The empty method also accepts the second argument, which is responsible for the value:

Select::make('user') ->empty('No select', 0) ->options([ 1 => 'Option 1', 2 => 'Option 2', ]);

Allow custom values with the allowAdd method:

Select::make('type') ->allowAdd() ->options([ 'Option 1', 'Option 2', ]);


Relations fields can load dynamic data, this is a good solution if you need connections.

use Orchid\Screen\Fields\Relation;Relation::make('idea') ->fromModel(Idea::class, 'name') ->title('Choose your idea');

For multiple selections, use the multiple() method.

Relation::make('ideas.') ->fromModel(Idea::class, 'name') ->multiple() ->title('Choose your ideas');

Note. Note the dot at the end of the name. It is necessary in order to show the expectedness of the array. As if it were HTML code <input name='ideas[]'>

To modify the load, you can use the reference to the scope model, for example, take only active:

namespace App;use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;class Idea extends Model{ /** * @param Builder $query * * @return Builder */ public function scopeActive(Builder $query) { return $query->where('active', true); }}
Relation::make('idea') ->fromModel(Idea::class, 'name') ->applyScope('active') ->title('Choose your idea');

You can also pass additional parameters to the method:

Relation::make('idea') ->fromModel(Idea::class, 'name') ->applyScope('status', 'active') ->title('Choose your idea');

You can add one or several fields, which will be additionally searched for:

Relation::make('idea') ->fromModel(Idea::class, 'name') ->searchColumns('author', 'description') ->title('Choose your idea');

To set the number of items that will be listed as a result of a search, you can chain the method chunk, passing the number of search results as a param:

Relation::make('users.') ->fromModel(User::class, 'name') ->chunk(20);

Selection options can work with calculated fields, but only to display the result, the search will occur only on one column in the database. To do this, use the displayAppend method.

namespace App;use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;class User extends Model{ /** * @return string */ public function getFullAttribute(): string { return $this->attributes['name'] . ' (' . $this->attributes['email'] . ')'; }}

To indicate the displayed field you must:

Relation::make('users.') ->fromModel(User::class, 'name') ->displayAppend('full') ->multiple() ->title('Select users');


Allows you to select the date and time.

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use Orchid\Screen\Fields\DateTimer;DateTimer::make('open') ->title('Opening date');

Allow direct input:

DateTimer::make('open') ->title('Opening date') ->allowInput();

Please note that setting a field can be mandatory only with direct input:

DateTimer::make('open') ->title('Opening date') ->allowInput() ->required();

Data format:

DateTimer::make('open') ->title('Opening date') ->format('Y-m-d');

Example for display in 24th format:

DateTimer::make('open') ->title('Opening date') ->format24hr();

Calendar over time:

DateTimer::make('open') ->title('Opening time') ->enableTime();

Choice of time only:

DateTimer::make('open') ->title('Opening time') ->noCalendar() ->format('h:i K');


Allows you to select a range of date (and time).


use Orchid\Screen\Fields\DateRange;DateRange::make('open') ->title('Opening between');

Default value / result is an array with keys of start, end.


The TimeZone field is a form element that allows the user to choose a time zone from a dropdown list. It is useful for selecting the time zone in which an event or action will take place.

use Orchid\Screen\Fields\TimeZone;TimeZone::make('time');

This will create a dropdown list of all available time zones. You can also specify a specific set of time zones to include in the list using the listIdentifiers() method:

use DateTimeZone;TimeZone::make('time') ->listIdentifiers(DateTimeZone::ALL); 

The listIdentifiers() method takes a constant from the DateTimeZone class as an argument. The default value is DateTimeZone::ALL, which includes all available time zones. Other possible values are:


The representation of variable zones can be found in the documentation PHP.

HTML Quill Editor

Such an editor allows you to insert pictures, tables, specify styles for text, video.


use Orchid\Screen\Fields\Quill;Quill::make('html');

There are 6groups of controls available:

Quill::make('html') ->toolbar(["text", "color", "header", "list", "format", "media"]);

It’s possible to install additional plugins with a simple Javascript file

document.addEventListener('orchid:quill', (event) => { // Object for registering plugins event.detail.quill; // Parameter object for initialization event.detail.options;});

Note: You can add custom scripts and stylesheets through the platform.php config file

Example for quill-image-compress:

Add the following in config/platform.php into the resource.scripts array


create a quill.imagecropper.js in public/js/admin with the following content

document.addEventListener('orchid:quill', (event) => { // Object for registering plugins event.detail.quill.register("modules/imageCompressor", imageCompressor); // Parameter object for initialization event.detail.options.modules = { imageCompressor: { quality: 0.9, maxWidth: 1000, // default maxHeight: 1000, // default imageType: 'image/jpeg' } };});

Markdown Editor

The Markdown Editor field is a form element that allows the user to write and edit text using the lightweight markup language Markdown. It is designed to be easy to read and write, making it ideal for writing content that will be published on the web. The Markdown Editor field also has the ability to convert text into advanced languages for more advanced publications.

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To create a Markdown Editor field, you can use the SimpleMDE class:

use Orchid\Screen\Fields\SimpleMDE;SimpleMDE::make('markdown');


The field provides a convenient interface for editing a flat table. For example, you can store information inside a JSON column type:

use Orchid\Screen\Fields\Matrix;Matrix::make('options') ->columns([ 'Attribute', 'Value', 'Units', ])

Not always the values of the columns can coincide with what needs to be displayed in the headers, for this you can write using the keys:

Matrix::make('options') ->columns([ 'Attribute' => 'attr', 'Value' => 'product_value', ])

It is possible to indicate the maximum number of lines, upon reaching which the add button will not be available:

Matrix::make('options') ->columns(['id', 'name']) ->maxRows(10)

By default, each cell element has a textarea field, but you can change it to your own fields as follows:

Matrix::make('users') ->title('Users list') ->columns(['id', 'name']) ->fields([ 'id' => Input::make()->type('number'), 'name' => TextArea::make(), ]),

Note. The matrix under the hood does the copying of the fields on the client side. This works fine for simple input/select/etc fields, but may not work well for complex or compound fields.

Code editor

A field for writing program code with the ability to highlight.

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use Orchid\Screen\Fields\Code;Code::make('code');

To specify code highlighting for a specific programming language, you can use the language() method.

Code::make('code') ->language(Code::CSS);

The following languages are available:

  • Markup – markup, html, xml, svg, mathml
  • CSS – css
  • C-like – clike
  • JavaScript – javascript, js

The number of lines is supported:

Code::make('code') ->lineNumbers();


Allows you to upload an image.


use Orchid\Screen\Fields\Picture;Picture::make('picture');

You can specify the storage backend for the uploaded image using the storage method:

Picture::make('picture') ->storage('s3');

Use the acceptedFiles method to define the types of files that the field should accept. This is done using unique unique file type specifiers.

For example, to only allow JPEG images, you can use the following code:

Picture::make('picture') ->acceptedFiles('.jpg');


Extends Picture and allows you to upload an image and crop to the desired format.

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use Orchid\Screen\Fields\Cropper;Cropper::make('picture');

Width and height

In order to control the format, you can specify the width and height of the desired image:

Cropper::make('picture') ->width(500) ->height(300);

Or you can impose specific limits using minWidth / maxWidth or minHeight / maxHeight or use convenience methods minCanvas / maxCanvas

Cropper::make('picture') ->minCanvas(500) ->maxWidth(1000) ->maxHeight(800);

File Size Limit

To limit the size of the downloaded file, you must set the maximum value in MB.

Cropper::make('picture') ->maxFileSize(2);


The control of the return value is carried out using the methods:

Cropper::make('picture') ->targetId();

The sequence number (id) of the Attachment record will be returned.

Cropper::make('picture') ->targetRelativeUrl();

Will return the relative path to the image.

Cropper::make('picture') ->targetUrl();

Will return the absolute path to the image.


Renders upload for images or regular files.


use Orchid\Screen\Fields\Upload;Upload::make('upload');
Upload::make('docs') ->groups('documents');Upload::make('images') ->groups('photo');

To get specific files via Model relation

use Orchid\Attachment\Models\Attachment;// One-to-Many (with foreign id)public function hero(){ return $this->hasOne(Attachment::class, 'id', 'hero')->withDefault();}// Many-to-Many (no foreign id on table, should be uploaded with groups() function)public function documents(){ return $this->hasMany(Attachment::class)->where('group','documents');}

It can be used to limit the maximum number of files that will be processed:

Upload::make('upload') ->maxFiles(10);

Determines the number of concurrent downloads for processing files:

Upload::make('upload') ->parallelUploads(2);

Maximum upload file size:Default upload_max_filesize & post_max_size values are 2M, You can change them in php.ini to enable setting max file size to be more than 2M

Upload::make('upload') ->maxFileSize(1024); // Size in MB 

The default implementation of accept checks the type or extension of the MIME file against this list. This is a comma-separated list of MIME types or file extensions.

Upload::make('upload') ->acceptedFiles('image/*,application/pdf,.psd');

The upload field can work with various repositories. To specify it, you must pass the key specified in config/filesystems.php:

Upload::make('upload') ->storage('s3');

The default storage is public.

Sometimes you already know that the file was loaded earlier, then you can use the library search:

Upload::make('upload') ->media();

It will add a new button with a modal window to preview uploaded files.


The Group field is used to combine several fields on one line. This can be useful for creating compact forms or for aligning fields horizontally. To create a Group field, use the Group::make method and pass an array of fields as the argument:

use Orchid\Screen\Fields\Group;Group::make([ Input::make('first_name'), Input::make('last_name'),]),

By default, fields within a Group field will occupy the entire available screen width. You can specify the width of the fields using the fullWidth or autoWidth methods:

// Fields will occupy the entire available screen widthGroup::make([ // ...])->fullWidth();// Fields will take up as much space as necessaryGroup::make([ // ...])->autoWidth();


In certain cases, you need to add a button to call a modal window, a simple link, or add a buttonsubmit the form at the end of the screen.For such cases, there is a Button field. The Button field cannot have anyvalues and is not transmitted when saving. It can be used to call a modal window defined on the screen.And to add a simple link in the form.

An example of using the modal window addNewPayment added earlier to the screen:

use Orchid\Screen\Actions\ModalToggle;ModalToggle::make('Add Payment') ->modal('addNewPayment') ->icon('wallet');

Linking example:

use Orchid\Screen\Actions\Link;Link::make('Google It!') ->href('');Link::make('Idea') ->route('platform.idea');

Example use with method:

use Orchid\Screen\Actions\Button;Button::make('Google It!') ->method('goToGoogle');

Available modifiers:

  • right() – Positioning the element on the right edge of the screen
  • block() – Positioning the element across the entire width of the screen
  • class('class-names') – rewrites the standard button classes
  • method('methodName') – when clicked, the form will be sent to the specified method within the current screen
  • icon('icon-wallet') – sets an icon for the button


You can easily create a DropDown action button combining all other actions.For example, you can create the typical three dots dropdown:

use Orchid\Screen\Actions\DropDown;DropDown::make() ->icon('options-vertical') ->list([ Link::make(__('Edit')) ->route('platform.users.edit', $user->id) ->icon('pencil'), Button::make(__('Delete')) ->method('remove') ->icon('trash') ->confirm(__('Are you sure you want to delete the user?')) ->parameters([ 'id' => $user->id, ]), ]);


You can create ranges of numbers. Especially usefull for filters.


Usage with filters:


Result is an array with keys of min, max.

Custom Fields Creation

To create custom fields, refer to the “Builder” page in the documentation.This page provides a straightforward guide on how to create and customize fields according to your requirements.Access the “Builder” page by clicking here: Builder.

Form Elements | Orchid - Laravel Admin Panel (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.