FFXIV: Unable To Complete Version Check [FIXED] (2024)

Seemingly, Final Fantasy XIV’s issue of being unable to complete the version check [30410][30612] has persisted for as long as the game itself. This error in FFXIVhas constantly plagued players every time the game gets an update. The error refuses to let anyone go past the launcher and appears right after an update drops. But don’t fret: It’s surprisingly easy to get past this issue.

Key Takeaways

  • FFXIV’s Unable to Complete Version Check [30410][30612] might lead you to believe that the game files have been corrupted. But that is not the case, and the error is relatively easy to fix.
  • You almost exclusively encounter the error after installing an update or when an update gets pushed through the launcher.
  • To solve the FFXIV Version error, try the following solutions:
    • Make an edit in one of FFXIV’s boot files to force the launcher to re-check that it’s on the correct version.
    • If manually correcting the issue doesn’t resolve it, the problem is generally network-related, and you can fix it by doing one of the following:
      • Switching to a Public DNS Server tends to fix the problem generally.
      • However, if changing your DNS doesn’t crack it, using a VPN at the start tends to do the trick.
      • On the other hand, a more niche fix would be to turn your Firewall Off to get the game running.
    • If nothing works for you, it is most likely a game-side issue, and the best thing to do is to wait it out.

Why Is FFXIV Unable To Complete Version Check?

The error can occur before or after you update FFXIV and is generally limited exclusively to those two scenarios. It manifests a dialogue box when you open the launcher and keeps you from engaging in any interaction with the game. The dialog reads, “Unable to Complete Version Check. [30410][30612].

FFXIV: Unable To Complete Version Check [FIXED] (1)

The error generally occurs due to one of the two following reasons:

  • It could happen due to a bug in the game’s updation process. The game uses a single line of text to check whether or not you are on the latest version. Sometimes, it forgets to update that line when you are done updating the game.
  • Some players have also reported their carriers or DNS as being the cause. This could be due to some mistranslation from your Internet Protocols or your particular carrier acting up.

Solve FFXIV’s Unable to Complete Version Check Error

Either of the aforesaid reasons could cause the error. So, the best way to pinpoint the issue would be for you to go through with the following solutions in order and check what fixes the problem for you. Thankfully, the solutions are all pretty standard and can be performed in little to no time.

Manually Change FFXIV’s Boot File

If the error were caused by your launcher not updating that single line of code, this solution would fix the issue. Here, we will manually update the line that checks for the game version on boot. This will make it forcibly version check and let you in-game. Before we begin, close your launcher; Otherwise, this quick fix might not work for you. If you are unsure, check your hidden tray icons for the launcher. Once done, follow these steps to get going:

  1. Open your File Explorer.
  2. Go to your Address Bar and paste this address: ‘Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV – A Realm Reborn\.’
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  3. Once inside the folder, right-click on ‘FFXIV_BOOT.cfg’ and click on ‘Open With’ and thenchoose Notepad to open the file.
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  4. Once the file is open, press ‘Ctrl + F’ and search for ‘BootVersionCheckMode.’
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  5. Change the 0 in front of the searched setting to 1.
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  6. When done, press ‘Ctrl + S’to save the applied changes.

This should make the launcher correctly check for the game version, allowing you to boot.

Switch To A Public DNS

If removing the boot check doesn’t kill the Unable to Complete version check error. The second most preferable solution is to switch your DNS to a public and freely accessible one. The reason why this has worked for Players is not precisely known. But it could range from simple mistranslations from your current DNS or an unreliable server connection. While there are multiple Public DNS servers available, our advice would be to pick one of the following:

  • Google Public DNS ( and
  • OpenDNS( and

Follow the following steps to change your DNS Server:

  1. Search for ‘Network Adapter’in your taskbar and press Enter.
  2. Scroll to the bottom and click ‘More Network Adapter Options.’
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  3. Right-Click on the connection you are using, and click on Properties.
  4. Double-Click on Internet Protocol Version 4.
  5. SelectUse the following DNS server and enter your preferred IPs.
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  6. Click Ok to apply the changes.

Reopen your game launcher to check if the error has gone away. While at it, you might want to Test your Network Connection just to be extra sure.

Use A VPN For The Version Check Fail

If changing your DNS server doesn’t work, many players have reported that using any VPN before launching the game could also fix the issue. The reason is that if the redirecting servers from your ISP are not working correctly, it lets you bypass this restriction by appearing as if you are connecting from a completely different location. Following is a list of a few VPNs that you can try out:

Once you are done installing a VPN, choose JPY as your server location and rerun the launcher to see if the problem has been fixed. Do note that you would not need to be connected to the VPN server at all times; You are free to turn it off once you are in-game.

Turn Off Windows Firewall

One of the more niche fixes is to turn off your Windows Firewall. Microsoft‘s implementation of it in Windows is a bit shaky. Sometimes, it can act up and flag secure server IPs as well. So, it would be a good idea to turn it off to see if that fixes the issue. To do so, follow these simple steps:

  1. Search for ‘Firewall and Network Protection’ in your taskbar and press Enter.
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  2. Once opened, turn it off for all three network types.
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  3. To do so, click on them and toggle the On button to Off.
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Once done, reopen the launcher and see if it fixes the issue, and if it does, move to the next section.

Allow FFXIV Through Windows Firewall

If turning off your Firewall does kill the unable to complete version check error, it would be a good idea to re-enable it, as it’s an essential security tool, and add FFXIV as an exception to it. To do so:

  1. Repeat the previous steps to enable the three network types.
  2. Go back to the Main Page for Firewall and Network Protection.
  3. Click on Allow an app through Firewall.
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  4. Click on Change Settings.
  5. Now, click on Allow another app.
  6. Click on Browseand go to your FFXIV game directory.
  7. Select your executable file for the game.
  8. Click on Add and then on Ok.
    FFXIV: Unable To Complete Version Check [FIXED] (12)

Did You Get Rid Of The Error?

If you could not fix your problem from the given solutions, it is most likely a server issue, and your hardware has nothing to do with it. In this case, you should wait it out or check for updates from FFXIV’s Official Twitter account. If you have suffered from some other errors related to the game, why not check one of the guides at the end to see what you could have done at that time?


How to check your current FFXIV version?

Go to your Square Enix account, and click Account Information to check your current game version.

Are Public DNS servers safe?

Yes, the ones recommended in the article have encrypted protocols, so there is no need to worry.

Why do I need a VPN?

A VPN encrypts or disguises your network packets so they are safe and can’t be detected. However, they are not essential.

Up Next:

  • FFXIV: World Data Could Not Be Obtained [FIXED]
  • Solved: FFXIV 3070 Error [2023]
  • Solved: How To Fix FFXIV Error 2002 [2023]

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Final Fantasy XVI

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Now, let's dive into the information related to the concepts used in the article you provided.

Final Fantasy XIV's Unable to Complete Version Check [30410][30612] Error

The article discusses an issue in Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) where players encounter the "Unable to Complete Version Check [30410][30612]" error after installing an update or when an update is pushed through the launcher. The error prevents players from accessing the game.

The article suggests several solutions to fix this error:

  1. Make an edit in one of FFXIV's boot files: By manually changing a line of code in the FFXIV_BOOT.cfg file, players can force the launcher to re-check the game's version [[SOURCE 1]].

  2. Switch to a Public DNS Server: Changing the DNS server to a public and freely accessible one, such as Google Public DNS or OpenDNS, may resolve the issue [[SOURCE 1]].

  3. Use a VPN at the start: Some players have reported that using a VPN before launching the game can bypass any server connection issues caused by ISPs and resolve the error [[SOURCE 1]].

  4. Turn off the Firewall: Disabling the Windows Firewall temporarily can help if it is causing issues with the game's secure server connections [[SOURCE 1]].

  5. Allow FFXIV through Windows Firewall: If turning off the Firewall resolves the error, it is recommended to re-enable it and add FFXIV as an exception to ensure security [[SOURCE 1]].

If none of these solutions work, it is possible that the error is a server-side issue, and players may need to wait for a resolution or check for updates from FFXIV's official Twitter account [[SOURCE 1]].

Reasons for the FFXIV Unable to Complete Version Check Error

The article explains that the error can occur before or after updating FFXIV and is generally limited to these two scenarios. It appears as a dialogue box with the message "Unable to Complete Version Check [30410][30612]." The error can be caused by two main reasons:

  1. Bug in the game's updation process: Sometimes, the game fails to update a line of text that checks whether the player is on the latest version, resulting in the error [[SOURCE 1]].

  2. Carriers or DNS issues: Some players have reported that their Internet Protocols or specific carriers may cause the error. Switching to a public DNS server can help resolve this issue [[SOURCE 1]].

Additional Information

The article also provides answers to a few frequently asked questions:

  • How to check your current FFXIV version?: Players can go to their Square Enix account and click on "Account Information" to check their current game version.
  • Are Public DNS servers safe?: Yes, the recommended public DNS servers mentioned in the article have encrypted protocols, ensuring safety.
  • Why do I need a VPN?: Using a VPN can encrypt or disguise network packets, making them safe and undetectable. However, it is not essential.

I hope this information helps you understand the concepts discussed in the article. If you have any further questions or need more details, feel free to ask!

FFXIV: Unable To Complete Version Check [FIXED] (2024)
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